Thursday, December 19, 2013

Google Drive Tetrad

The rise of advanced and mobile technologies ushered the society in an era where laptops, notebooks, tablets, handheld and pocket-sized mini computers have become an integral part of individuals’ life (van Velsen, Beaujean, & van Gemert-Pijnen, 2013).  Google provides software applications such as Google Drive, which replaces Google Docs.  Like any other technologies, Google Drive follows McLuhan’ s tetrad of enhancement, obsolescence, retrieval, and reversal (Thornburg, 2008).
            Indeed, as in the displayed tetrad above, Google Drive enhances data storage, information retrieval, and sharing of file and folders.  The Software Engineer Zach (2013) demonstrated ways to blog, share, and retrieve files and folders via any device, using Google Drive (Sangani, 2012).  Indeed, software applications provide wide language support; however using keyboard is sometime cumbersome and individuals might resort to handwriting (Xiao, 2013). 
Google Drive is a Web-based productivity software for cloud-based storage services
such as Dropbox  Sky Drive, and sets up itself for cloud computing, in terms of reversal.  Google Drive obsoletes hard drive, compact disc, diskette drive,  flash drive storage, and dropbox.  It rekindles the old way of storing data on floppy disc, which is hard to find in the digital communication era.
           The table of comparison below, provides information on free allowable space in gigabytes (GB on cloud storage.  Thus, individuals might embrace cloud computing that encompasses Google Drive, for a comprehensive and collaborative medium to create, share, and edit documents, calendars, and social networking communities (Robertson, 2013).

Robertson, C. (2013). Using a Cloud-based Computing Environment to Support Teacher Training on Common Core Implementation. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 57(6), 57-60. doi:10.1007/s11528-013-0702-9
Sangani, K.  (2012).  Google:  Google drive.  Engineering & Technology (17509637), 7(8), 101
Thornburg, D. D. (2008).  Emerging technologies and McLuhan's Laws of Media.  Lake Barrington, IL:  Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.
van Velsen, L., Beaujean, D. A., & van Gemert-Pijnen, J. C.  (2013).  Why mobile health app overload drives us crazy, and how to restore the sanity.  BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making13(1), 1-5.  doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-13-23
Xiao, X.  (2013).  Handwriting input comes to Gmail and Google Docs.  Retrieved from
Zack, L. (2013).  New Google sheets:  Faster, more powerful, and works offline.  Retrieved from


  1. Segla,
    I would like to add to the tetrad about Google Dirve (GD). The Google Drive enhances collaboration, file accessibility, and the portability of resources. It allows large file storage and transfer. The GD also obsoletes bulk software licenses, wires for network and landline cables. Local network file storage no longer hinders students from accessing files from a different location. GD retrieves in my memory the birth of ARPANET, the beginning of file sharing. It also reminds me of optical character recognition that is employed when searching for key words or files within your GD. GD reverses with its own mobile application. It is capable of reading files from other applications by selecting the conversion option. GD is free to the users that signup for a Google account. April

    Go Google: Google Drive -
    Google Drive Tutorial 2013 – Introduction (1/6) -

  2. April,
    Indeed, businesses recognize the importance of cloud storage as effective technology management like any other organizational resource and process, for efficiency and progress. Google Drive is such a technology, despite its miniaturization of cloud computing. From the group’s tetrad, it might be fair to say that Google Drive passes through Rogers’ (2003) six stages of innovation-decision process, which are; needs, research, development, commercialization, diffusion & adoption and consequences. From cloud computing to geographical information and to personal web, individuals realize the advanced technology has provided the alteration of communicative circumstances and rhetorical situations, for example, where email messages might replace face-to-face interactions (Kelly, 2013). Indeed, cloud storage contributes to collaborative service learning that combines the traditionally recognized concept of volunteering with relevant higher learning objectives and requires application and synthesis of knowledge gained from the learning, as it relates to academia, and specifically higher education (Kelly, 2013).

    Kelly, J. M. (2013). Beyond classroom borders: Incorporating collaborative service learning for the adult student. Adult Learning 24(2), 82-84. doi: 10.1177/1045159513477844
    Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.

  3. Segla,

    Thank you so much for the video! I agree that in higher education these tools are relevant. But I wonder how will it filter down to a K12 environment?

    1. Pamela,
      April, in her blog, presented extensive work on these tools as they relate to K-12. Moreover, teachers need to teach and instill the necessary skills in their students.

  4. Segla

    I will have to agree with you that teachers need to teach and instill the necessary skills however, they must still prepare students to be able to use technology. I believe google drive is the way to go. I am going to start using google drive with my 7th grade students this next semester. Google drive is also compatible with edmodo which I use as a CMS with my classes.


  5. Thanks, Teri, for your comments and inputs! I am sure you will have great time with your 7th graders. Remember to introduce them to cloud computing!
